Working out is hard work that a lot of people can not
handle. Those people choose the short cuts that make it
easier to be fit that have physical consequences that are
not worth it. One of the most common shortcuts is steroids,
when I was in high school I knew a few boys who took
steroids and believed it was the only and best way to et at
the top of there game. along the way of getting to the top
of your game you grow boobs, get painful erections, perment
shrinkage, and become infertile. I wonder if that is what
they meant by top of there game. Daniel J. DeNoon is an
author for Web MD medical news he states that, “ Anabolic
steroids that are abused build a synthetic testosterone”
(DeNoon). The synthetic testosterone is what causes these
side effects, not only in men but women as well. The side
effects that a women would face is facial hair, deepened
voice, small boobs, yellow skin, and heart attacks. I
personally don’t believe that fitness is worth sacrificing
you health. People who work hard to be in shape should know
that being healthy is the main point in being fit. If you
take steroids the side effects are so large that its not
fitness you are achieving in reality you are transforming
yourself into a large yellow mean monster that has boobies
and facial hair. Out of all the different reason people have
for being fit that doesn’t sound like one. Unless you want
to be like the hulk.
handle. Those people choose the short cuts that make it
easier to be fit that have physical consequences that are
not worth it. One of the most common shortcuts is steroids,
when I was in high school I knew a few boys who took
steroids and believed it was the only and best way to et at
the top of there game. along the way of getting to the top
of your game you grow boobs, get painful erections, perment
shrinkage, and become infertile. I wonder if that is what
they meant by top of there game. Daniel J. DeNoon is an
author for Web MD medical news he states that, “ Anabolic
steroids that are abused build a synthetic testosterone”
(DeNoon). The synthetic testosterone is what causes these
side effects, not only in men but women as well. The side
effects that a women would face is facial hair, deepened
voice, small boobs, yellow skin, and heart attacks. I
personally don’t believe that fitness is worth sacrificing
you health. People who work hard to be in shape should know
that being healthy is the main point in being fit. If you
take steroids the side effects are so large that its not
fitness you are achieving in reality you are transforming
yourself into a large yellow mean monster that has boobies
and facial hair. Out of all the different reason people have
for being fit that doesn’t sound like one. Unless you want
to be like the hulk.