Thursday, May 8, 2008


Ever been to a gym and had a really buff man in clothing that is far too tight come up to you and talk about an exercise term that you didn’t know? Well have no fear Vanessa is here! I am going to define cardio so that you lovely readers don’t have the same thing happen to you! I’m so nice. So first off cardio is an exercise that helps you burn calories. It isn’t typically used to tone and tighten mussels, but if you need to looses a few extra pounds than this is a good thing to do. Furthermore, cardio makes you have a stronger heart. Who doesn’t want that? It progressively gets the blood pumping faster without strain. Cardio is also good for increasing lung capacity, and that is why you don’t see smokers running so much. A hard cardio work out will make your lungs stretch and shrink from rapid breathing. A cardio work out will reduce risk of high cholesterol, heart attack, and high blood pressure, and that sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Cardio helps you sleep better, and reduces stress! So pretty much: cardio is a wonderful work out if you want to keep your weight under control. This is one term that all people who want to work out should know. Cardio is possibly the best type of working out, and if you previously had no idea what it was I am happy to have informed you.

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