Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Working out is hard work that a lot of people can not
handle. Those people choose the short cuts that make it
easier to be fit that have physical consequences that are
not worth it. One of the most common shortcuts is steroids,
when I was in high school I knew a few boys who took
steroids and believed it was the only and best way to et at
the top of there game. along the way of getting to the top
of your game you grow boobs, get painful erections, perment
shrinkage, and become infertile. I wonder if that is what
they meant by top of there game. Daniel J. DeNoon is an
author for Web MD medical news he states that, “ Anabolic
steroids that are abused build a synthetic testosterone”
(DeNoon). The synthetic testosterone is what causes these
side effects, not only in men but women as well. The side
effects that a women would face is facial hair, deepened
voice, small boobs, yellow skin, and heart attacks. I
personally don’t believe that fitness is worth sacrificing
you health. People who work hard to be in shape should know
that being healthy is the main point in being fit. If you
take steroids the side effects are so large that its not
fitness you are achieving in reality you are transforming
yourself into a large yellow mean monster that has boobies
and facial hair. Out of all the different reason people have
for being fit that doesn’t sound like one. Unless you want
to be like the hulk.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Ever been to a gym and had a really buff man in clothing that is far too tight come up to you and talk about an exercise term that you didn’t know? Well have no fear Vanessa is here! I am going to define cardio so that you lovely readers don’t have the same thing happen to you! I’m so nice. So first off cardio is an exercise that helps you burn calories. It isn’t typically used to tone and tighten mussels, but if you need to looses a few extra pounds than this is a good thing to do. Furthermore, cardio makes you have a stronger heart. Who doesn’t want that? It progressively gets the blood pumping faster without strain. Cardio is also good for increasing lung capacity, and that is why you don’t see smokers running so much. A hard cardio work out will make your lungs stretch and shrink from rapid breathing. A cardio work out will reduce risk of high cholesterol, heart attack, and high blood pressure, and that sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Cardio helps you sleep better, and reduces stress! So pretty much: cardio is a wonderful work out if you want to keep your weight under control. This is one term that all people who want to work out should know. Cardio is possibly the best type of working out, and if you previously had no idea what it was I am happy to have informed you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

stretching experiment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is many important attributes to preparing for a work out; making sure you are hydrated, knowing your work out, and stretching. A week ago I thought stretching was pointless and a waste of time. Working out is something I have to fit into my busy schedule, and at the time I thought stretching was just a waste of my precious time. When I stretch before a work out I take fifteen to ten minutes of stretching. I stretch my legs first because they are the most used, I do the butterfly stretch (where you sit with your feet together and push your knees to the ground) or just leg stretches by spreading out my legs and reaching as far as you can. I then move to my arms doing an over head stretch and pretty much what ever part of my body I feel I will work out that day. After my work out is done and over I feel fine no major sore muscles or bad pain. However, a week ago I didn’t feel like stretching and I wanted to see if I noticed a difference in stretching or not. I worked out with my work out buddy Crystal for four hours. We did buns of steel, total body sculpt with Glaud, and several other workouts that focused on thighs. We didn’t bother to stretch and we didn’t think it would affect us later. The next morning it felt like a little troll named bill was holding on to my legs punching them with all his might. This unbearable pain is still with me today (a week later). I have used icy hot and pretty much everything I can think of and it won’t go away. I haven’t lost all hope because I am confident it will fade away with time. I do plan to stretch every time I work out! It doesn’t matter how little time you have a good stretch before a work out is imperative to forming your body’s muscles! The pain is totally not worth it. Due to my little experiment, I now have to waddle to school with a look of agony across my face.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

INTRO/ eating disorders!

A new semester is here! So for new readers I want you to know what I am writing about. I am a big work out/ exercise buff. I watch fit TV constantly and work out in all my spacer time. I have been doing this scene October of 07 and have lost 20 pounds the right way. I like to talk about exercise videos and good workouts that I feel really work; furthermore, I enjoy looking into “the wrong” way of working out like fast diets, eating disorders, and diet pills. I think that writing about working out and what not to do can help people who read my blog to get fit and stay in shape the healthy way!!!
So for this entry I want to talk about eating disorders. I personally had a sister who was bulimic for fifteen years. It was really hard on out family to see her loose so much weight hair and teeth. She ended up having to be in therapy for two years, now she does speeches at meetings for people with anorexia and bulimia. I recently went to one and it was really emotional, half of the room was crying when my sister told her story. It really isn’t worth it. For anyone who feels like it is a quick way to lose weight just DON’T even try it! It is addicting If you really want results that fast get lipo suction or something! It really dose hurt yourself and your body my sister has three fake teeth thanks to her stomach acids. The way I see it people get these disorders to make themselves look better but in the end you will just make yourself ugly because you will have less hair and teeth….
I think that that should motivate anyone to not get an eating disorder!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Whooo yeah english 98

I am going to use my same topic and keep on keeping on with the fitness!
It is important to be happy and healthy!
to help stop Americas Obecity

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

diet pills and nutriton!

I have been looking into nutriton a lot lately. That is an important subject to incorporate when
you are on a diet. what you eat greatly effects how your weight loss can happen. One thing I
learned is that carbs are great! diets like the akans diet don't really work. you end up losing
weight but then you have less energy. Diet pills are a big thing to. All of the diet pills that are
only 20 or 30 dollars probably wont work. In order to get high levels of the hoodia or the
Phenhermine you need to purchase pills that are 175. I looked up the slimquick that my mom
started to take and it has such low levels of the green tea extract and the hoodia that she probably
wont lose any weight, all that pill does is give you lots and lots of energy and serpress you
hunger. You need to eat healthy to lose weight if you don't eat at all you body holds on to
whatever it gets. Say all you have one day is a sandwich your body will hold on to the fat in that
sandwich and store it because thetas all you are giving it. So it is more than just working out, you
also need to eat healthy; however, if you must take diet pills at lest get the good ones.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How to get that amazing feeling!

The working out process is hard, you need a lot of Stanima to keep going. One time my fitness partner and myself
decided to push our selves as hard as we can. It was a sunny day just a few weeks ago and we went to golden gardens
it is a beach in north Seattle. We started at the end of the peer and started to run, at first it was easy. We didn’t do
much talking. About twenty minutes in to it my work out pal Crystal wanted to take a break. I told her, “No! come on
were almost there,” but we weren’t. Sometimes you need to lie to yourself in order to keep going. So we kept going
strong running our hearts out in the sand. Have you ever ran in sand? If not it is so hard! When we finally were half
way threw we stopped for a stretch break. It was the most amazing experience of my life the cold water dripped
down my face and the streaching were so wonderful on my exhausted legs. We continued on with the run this time it
was way hard! We were tired and just wanted to quit but we continued going. Sweating are little hearts out we turned
into a cool down jog three quarters of the way. We looked at echother and laughed because are faces were beat red.
When we came to the tall tress that we marked as are finish we fell to the sand in exhaustion. After a few minutes of
laying there we got itchy, due to the sand. So we took off are running shoos and ran into the cool calm ocean. It was
a wonderful was to spend a strenuous work out. Just remember to keep going when you Finnish the feeling is

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lower Abs! Whoooo YEEEAAAH!

So I will describe some workouts that help me with parts of my body I want to tone.
So one trouble spot people come across would be the lower abs, sit ups don’t normally focus on that peculiar area. If you go and buy a bouncy ball just a little one for 94 cents it can really help. You sit it on your lower back above your butt and basically rite on your tail bone; you hold it there and do sit ups on it. It’s pretty hard you have to try and balance, but once you have your balance it’s a great work out! Just do four counts of eight and be sure to suck your stomach in also known as your core. I will refer to it as that often it is so important to have a strong core! Most of the time when people have week abs it leads to back problems later in life so if you have back problems chances are you have week abs, and that just sucks. Also don’t for get to breath most of the time when people work out they don’t really breath there way threw it they hold their breath when it’s strenuous.
Another good work out for your lower abs would be to get a set of dumbbells, I personally use five pounders but you can get whatever fits you. Take the dumbbells and hold them tight under your legs pinching them with your knees. Then do sit ups like that, the extra weight on your legs causes you stomach to retract tighten your abs more. I would say do however many it takes for your stomach to burn like its on fire…. Then do ten more!
After that you can take the weight and put your legs straight in the air and hold the weight in between your legs. You take the other weight and hold it in your hands, then move your legs towards your hands. Don’t cheat and put your hands to your legs your goal is to try and get your lower back off the ground to work out your lower abs.
(If you have any questions about muscle groups that you would like to know a work out to focus on that group just ask chances are I will know of something to help you out.)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A little intro

So pretty much one day I was bored and decided I needed a hobby, it looked like I could lose some weight so I started to exercise and I fell in love with it. I am now four months into the process and have lost 14 pounds.. My routine consist of work out videos, walks, and a healthy diet. I Stoped eating fast food and anything woth to much grece. I also count calories and consume the healthy 3000 a day. Now it's not so much about loosing weight because am at a healthy weight for my height, so now I focus is more on tone which is why I called this blog working on my fitness.
I want to tone my body and be in the best shape of my life. This has become a hobby of mine, my friend of 5 years Crystal and I have done this together and gotten this far. This is probably the only thing we haven’t quit at : ) we motivate eachother like no ones business and make sure that we do this the healthy way there is so many bad habits that most girls fall into when trying to get in shape, and we don't want to do that so its nice the support.
My intentions for this blog is to document my progress and talk about what it is that works for me to get in shape. Now everyone is different so don't expect what works for me to work for you but consider it more of a gide line. I want to motivate people to lose weight so my readers can be any one that is considering getting healthy.

Thursday, January 24, 2008