Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lower Abs! Whoooo YEEEAAAH!

So I will describe some workouts that help me with parts of my body I want to tone.
So one trouble spot people come across would be the lower abs, sit ups don’t normally focus on that peculiar area. If you go and buy a bouncy ball just a little one for 94 cents it can really help. You sit it on your lower back above your butt and basically rite on your tail bone; you hold it there and do sit ups on it. It’s pretty hard you have to try and balance, but once you have your balance it’s a great work out! Just do four counts of eight and be sure to suck your stomach in also known as your core. I will refer to it as that often it is so important to have a strong core! Most of the time when people have week abs it leads to back problems later in life so if you have back problems chances are you have week abs, and that just sucks. Also don’t for get to breath most of the time when people work out they don’t really breath there way threw it they hold their breath when it’s strenuous.
Another good work out for your lower abs would be to get a set of dumbbells, I personally use five pounders but you can get whatever fits you. Take the dumbbells and hold them tight under your legs pinching them with your knees. Then do sit ups like that, the extra weight on your legs causes you stomach to retract tighten your abs more. I would say do however many it takes for your stomach to burn like its on fire…. Then do ten more!
After that you can take the weight and put your legs straight in the air and hold the weight in between your legs. You take the other weight and hold it in your hands, then move your legs towards your hands. Don’t cheat and put your hands to your legs your goal is to try and get your lower back off the ground to work out your lower abs.
(If you have any questions about muscle groups that you would like to know a work out to focus on that group just ask chances are I will know of something to help you out.)

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